Our easy-to-install, lower able solar lighting pole technology means fast project turn-around time, and our tailored turn-key service covers everything from free lighting and system design to full installation and after sales support.
Deliver security lighng & surveillance to any locaon with the Solar Street light with Oponal CCTV Surveillance Systems. The solar panel unit Range from 75w to 160w. features a 30-60W LED Street/Area light with microwave moon detecon, which can be customized to your specificaons. The enre system is powered by a rechargeable Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePo₄) baery
When any significant movement is detected – whether that be by a vehicle or a pedestrian entering the street – the unit switches to 100% output, giving enough light to idenfy hazards on the access way and plenty of light to deter unwanted acvity. When zero acvity is detected, the unit dims quickly, ensuring the accessway is not lit all night with an unnecessary level of light. This conserves solar power and ensures residents are not impacted by any unnecessary light during the night.
From thoroughfares, pathways, and car
parks to outdoor Party halls and included
Playgrounds, Our Solar LED Street lights will
provide the valuable splash of light from
evening to whole night.
This provides enough background light to
ensure security and enough low light on
access ways to maintain a sense of
community, rather than isolang public
places in darkness.
Ecoepicsolar is a leading Solar Company in Jammu and Kashmir for Execung 40+ Solar Street Lighng Projects in the State. We will Provide all type of Solar Street Lights as per Client demand Except From this we conduct site survey and make Feasibility Report aer that we design the product and Dra Esmaon cost of the Project for Execuon Process. Our Professional Team will Implement the Project very smoothly and During Installaon also Make Geo Tagging Report
We proudly provide our partners with robust, innovave solar lighng technology soluons as well as huge environmental, budget and project efficiency advantages through our fast, easy-to-install smart street lighng systems.